Once Loved

Social & environmental impact, accelerated⚡️

Our lens is Circular Economy

Once Loved is a consultancy owned and run by Margot Kenney. Services span business consulting, marketing consulting, event planning & production, full service conference planning, and an artist accelerator. We exist to help grow and scale businesses, consultancies, non-profits, and artists focused on social & environmental impact.

Mid-career and pre-wedding seemed like an excellent time to take the 15+ years of skills I’ve built in business development, sales, marketing, fund-raising, and business consulting to mission aligned non-profits, firms, and consultants I believe in. I have a B.A. in Latin American Studies, and will finally be putting my degree to use with mission aligned NGO’s and non-profits in Latin America, including Friends of Casa Generación in Lima, Peru.

Here, we connect the dots. Between people, organizations, resources, great ideas, and impact. Once Loved is community.

network & clients

Closer Than You Think

Pura Vida is closer than you think. Work should feel good. Time spent away from loved ones can be meaningful. Our true gifts light us up and bring joy. At Once Loved, we believe in living and working as our full selves, while supported by community. Founded by Margot Kenney in 2024, we buck the traditional dichotomy of working for a corporation, or consulting alone. Our services span non-profit fundraising, event/conference planning, impact investing, vertical infrastructure/decarbonization planning and design, regenerative design and consulting, master planning, circular economy strategy, tattoo design, and more. As our network & client base grows, so do our services. Reach out and chat with us!

“The first time I felt the deep rumble of the untamed woman inside, I was 28 years old and on a road trip with my “seester”, Jenny. Best friends are soul mates, no doubt about it, and on the road together from San Francisco, to Sedona, to Santa Fe, to Austin, feeling the heartbeat of the American Southwest I began to find myself. Now that I know her, and love her, I want to bring her to work every day. We all have gifts to bring to the world, and it was time to tap in.”

-Margot Kenney

Call to Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.